What's up internet? Ham here, reviewing the RPG Chaos Rings. Now, when I saw that Square Enix was releasing an RPG for the iPod Touch I thought to myself, "Square Enix how could you?! Why would you sink this low?!" However, seeing as how I had a few extra bucks in the iTunes account thanks to Christmas, I still went and bought it anyway. I was pleasantly surprised.
It's not a long game, but in the short time Square Enix gave me, I quickly loved all the characters. (Me an' Escher are purely platonic I'll have you know. XP) The music is what got me hooked though. One word to describe every song: Beautiful. I had to see if Square Enix had put up the OST on iTunes. They did. 27 songs for 6 bucks. My eyes watered with joy as I purchased the amazing deal.
Back to the poi
nt of this though, you start out with the option of playing as either Escher and Musiea or Eluca and Zhamo. Which ever one you choose, it doesn't really matter, you'll experience awesome plot twists along the way. I personally prefer Escher and Musiea's story, the romance is much more intense and put frankly, Escher's a bad-ass. The dialogue was edgy and well written, being cryptic enough in the beginning to grab my attention. (Square Enix, you and your cryptic way...) If you own an iPod Touch, I seriously recommend Chaos Rings. It's an amazing RPG by the king of RPGs, and definitely not something to be missed.
Also, I apologize for Cheese's incorrect spelling of the Yu-Gi-Oh! card. It's really Change of Heart, not change of hearts. Are you thinking Kingdom Hearts dear? lulz Well, that's about all I have to talk about...can't tell you too much, you won't want to play it. XP
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