


I obtained this figma through a seller on ebay in June when I started collecting figmas last year. I learned not to buy figures off of ebay and discovered better sites. But still this was a great purchase for the price I paid for it. At the time she wasn't sold out at places like ami ami and Hobbie Link Japan. So being the hardcore Persona 3 fan that I am I had to own this basass android for my growing Figma collection. I decided to look for it on ebay for a lower price then it was originally sold for.

Sculpting: Very nice sculpting overall. I love the touch done to her hair and legs. You can barley see the joints on this figma because she is a robot and it looks natural. 8/10

Painting: This is also her strong point. No missing areas without paint. I love the gold paint and how it kind of sparkles. Her legs are painted smoothly to give her an accurate look compared the how she is shown in Persona 3. 9/10

Posing: This is the real issue I have with this figure. Her hands don't stay in the sockets all the time. I can't get her head off like I should be able to. Also its hard to do some of the poses that were showed off in the release pictures. I'm not sure why but the gold parts on her legs don't extend out as far as in official photos on the box. Basically I can't sit her down super well.

Base: Regular figma base. What more do I say? 9/10

Packaging: The box was a little ruined when I got it but that was due to poor shipping on someone from ebay's behalf. The box is really pretty and nice though. 8/10

Enjoyment: Besides the posing problems I have overall I loved this figure. She comes with a bunch of different hands, machine guns that attach to both arms, her 'Rocket Punch' arm, three different faces with unique facial expressions (blank stare, smiling, and a determined) pegs for her feet so she can stand on her own, the basic figma stand, and a neat little bag to to hold the figure for when you are traveling. There is a space at the bottom of each bag to write Aegis on it so I can remember what bag she belongs in. 9/10

Overall score: 8.3/10
So I hope you enjoyed my first figure review! I'll be reviewing many of the other figures own.